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AllFace Yoga lessonFace yoga classesFacial FitnessBeauty MarathonRejuvenating Gymnastics15 Day Wrinkle Away ChallengeOnline one-to-one Skype lesson
A$65.00 - A$230.00
Face Yoga is a Natural Solution to keep your Youthfulness !
Online one-to-one private Skype or Zoom classes (have your email ready to send invitation).
Learn in a private class (one to one) so Elena can analyze your face thoroughly about:
-Room for improvement
-Your facial expression habits
-Your face posture, etc and provide specific exercises and tips only for you !
+ you will receive personalized mini video to summarize the exercises you learnt during the class, so you can review it at after.View more details...SelectQuantityComing soonFace Yoga Private Lesson (on-on-one) in person
A$45.00 - A$230.00
Learn in a private class, in person (one to one) so Elena can analyze your face thoroughly about
-Room for improvement
-Your facial expression habits
-Your face posture, etc
and provide specific exercises and tips only for you! + you will receive personalized mini video to summarize the exercises only for you, so you can review and practice at home.SelectQuantityComing soonFace Yoga Classes - On request at your location
Send email to faceyoga@alphashapestudio.com
to discuss details. POA and vary.QuantityComing soonFace Yoga Fitness at your Workplace
Invite Elena to your workplace and have a Fun Full FACE Toning session 30-50 min (your choice) right at your fingertips. Times available - morning session, lunch time session, after working hours session. Face Yoga is a Natural Solution to your Youthfulness!
Price varies. POA. Contact to discussQuantityComing soonPacing Audio Track for Facial fitness program
The Pacing Audio Track talks you through the program and counts through each exercise with you. It's only 15 minutes long and keeps you motivated and guides you!QuantityComing soonFlashcards Download for Facial Fitness program
In the beginning, it can be a little difficult to remember all the proper handholds for doing the exercises. These color, photo-illustrated Flashcards show you the proper handholds at a glance. You can refer to them instead of having to watch the exercise videos every time you want to remember how the exercise is performed.QuantityComing soonFACE YOGA CLASSES (get group of 3 people and book class in-person)
A$22.00 - A$170.00
Like it or not, your best-kept secret will be out, and while you're telling friends about this great new self-care ritual behind your glow, you can extend the favor and invite them to join you! Where: Norwood studio. When; by appointment. Cost $22 p/p.SelectQuantityComing soonFACE Yoga on request at your Studio - Group Classes
A$50.00 - A$85.00
Have a Full FACE Toning session in a Group Class at your Yoga Studio, Tone your facial muscles while having a great time by making funny faces. Learn 6-8 exercises for each area (choose one prior) & practice them at home on daily basis for the best benefits. FY is a Natural Solution to The Youthfulness!
Contact Elena to book a session.SelectQuantityComing soonFace Yoga In-Home Group Classes
Create a group class in the comfort of your own home.
Minimum 4, maximum 12.
Want to look fabulous? Join our classes and start your new journey for younger you today!
$25/per pers - 60min class, $37/per pers - 90minQuantityComing soonFace Yoga Fun Hens Party, Birthday Party, Retirement Party, etc
Looking for Entertainment during your Special Occasion? Look no further. FACE YOGA or Self- Rejuvenating Massage class is the best thing you can offer to women. It's fun, easy, entertaining and a great beauty tool!
POA. Min $150 for 6-12 peopleQuantityComing soonWorkbook: Instructions, Tips & Bonus Exercises
The Workbook includes detailed step by step instructions for learning and doing the exercises. 10 color photo-illustrated bonus exercises, a 3-step Wrinkle Release Technique that works and many great beauty tips, including how to handle spider veins and grow beautiful fingernails!
There are 10 bonus exercises in the Workbook that address even more areas of the face and neck that you may want to work on even further. As well, you also receive the 3-Step Wrinkle Release Technique that has proven to rub out deeper wrinkles and fine lines. Everything is color, photo-illustrated for easy learning.QuantityComing soonFace Rejuvenating Classes for all ages and skin types. Group classes in Adelaide
A$19.00 - A$99.00
- Combination of Perfect Posture and Facial exercises, Face Yoga poses, Self massage techniques.
- Repeat with Elena and learn on the spot.
- For all age groups, skin and ageing types.
- Compatible with facials and your skin care routine.
- Can be done after surgeries and fillers or relaxing injections.
Regular rejuvenating gymnastics will help you:
- Tone facial muscles
- Improve Skin Tone
- Tighten the skin
- Say Goodbye to puffiness & under eye bags
- Meet your perfect jawline
- Stop clinching your teeth
- Smooth nasolabial folds & frown lines
- Build your perfect face.View more details...SelectQuantityComing soonBeauty Marathon
A$90.00 - A$297.00
Workshops ONLINE or IN PERS
* Individual Workshop $90.
4 One-on-One sessions with Elena online or in person. Simple and effective methods !
Toned FACE and Younger Body!
* COST $297
Choose & learn
How to:
- Tone your face
- Define Jawline
- Diminish double chin
- Erase Forehead and frown lines
- Get back your perky breast
- Eliminate morning puffiness
- Give yourself a lifting Face massage
Magic Cups
- Flatten the tummy, love handles & under bra flabbiness
- Say No to cellulite on butt & thighs
- Smooth and firm your arms
- Diminish stretch marksSelectQuantityComing soonFacial Fitness Exercise videos (digital recording)
The facial exercise videos are for the Learning Phase. It demonstrates step for step how to do each of 28 exercises in the whole program! You can access and repeat individual exercises for easy learning. Performing 28 foundational exercises once a day, 3 to 5 times a week for the first 3 months will give you elegant build to your face and neck. Giving the face two days off to rest, once a week is also important for a couple of reasons.
1 You will be less tempted to stop doing the exercises
2 It appears the face and the neck do better when they have a little weekly restQuantityComing soonBOOTCAMP
A$100.00 - A$200.00
Achieve MOMENTUM, boost CONFIDENCE and NATURALLY firm, tighten and strengthen your ENTIRE face and neck in less then two months!
3-6 weeks Face Yoga BOOTCAMP online or in person (group lessons).
Choose from 3 areas = 3 weeks of your face you’d like to improve ONLY for $100 (save 50%, normally $200)
Or 6 areas = 6 weeks if you would like to work on entire face and neck $200 (normally $399)
IMAGINE what your life can be like when you empower yourself with this KNOWLEDGE!
• Opportunities will open for you when YOU PUT YOUR BEST FACE FORWARD!
• YOU CAN STOP HIDING behind makeup, scarves & hats.View more details...SelectQuantityComing soonDebt to Beauty!
15 Day Wrinkle Away Challenge.
Your 2-weeks solution for diminishing
-Turkey neck
-Sagging jowls
-Under eye puffiness
-Crow's feet
-Fine lines and wrinkles
-Facial asymmetry
-Uneven skin tone
After you completed the purchase, go to Instagram and send request to follow the Rejuvenating Gymnastics page https://instagram.com/rejuvenating_gymnastics_View more details...QuantityComing soonDebt to Beauty!
15 Day Wrinkle Away Challenge.
Your 2-weeks solution for diminishing
-Turkey neck
-Sagging jowls
-Under eye puffiness
-Crow's feet
-Fine lines and wrinkles
-Facial asymmetry
-Uneven skin tone
After you completed the purchase, go to Instagram and send request to follow the Rejuvenating Gymnastics page https://instagram.com/rejuvenating_gymnastics_View more details...QuantityComing soon
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